5 Ways to Make Money Online: An Unexpected List

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When you’re looking for ways to make money online, you’re likely thinking about things like freelance writing, blogging, or selling products on eBay or Amazon. But there are many other ways to earn money online as well! Here are five you might not have considered yet. 1) Creating websites, videos […]

Can Blockchain Be Used Without Cryptocurrency?

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The term blockchain refers to a technology that can be used to record cryptocurrency transactions or other information in a distributed ledger. Today, people are generally using the word blockchain in place of the word cryptocurrency when referring to this technology, but how does the blockchain work without cryptocurrencies? The […]

How to Buy Gold – A Beginner’s Guide

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If you’re looking to invest in gold, you need to be sure you’re buying the right kind of gold. There are two main types of gold available on the market today, and they’re not interchangeable with each other. Choosing the wrong kind can hurt your investment, so here’s how to […]

Real Estate Investors Are Going Crazy Over Virtual Lands

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The idea of investing in virtual land may seem strange to those who aren’t familiar with the booming online world of real estate, but virtual lands have been one of the most lucrative investments over the past few years, and people are predicting that they will only continue to increase […]

How are cryptocurrency taxes reported?

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Taxes are one of the most important responsibilities that comes with being an adult, and paying them can sometimes be just as difficult. Even more challenging than figuring out how much you owe in taxes each year is reporting cryptocurrency gains correctly on your tax return. If you’re like most […]