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The world has been turned upside down over the past few decades, with many seeing centralization as bad and decentralization as good. But what exactly do these two concepts mean? And how do they relate to each other? If you’re interested in the future of the internet and its impact on society, this guide will help you understand decentralization and why it matters. Read on to learn about what decentralization means, why people advocate for it, and how it can create real changes in your life and business.


Decentralization is a term that gets thrown around a lot these days, but what does it actually mean? And why should we care about it?
In its simplest form, decentralization is the distribution of power away from central authority. This can be applied to anything from government to corporations to the internet. When central authority is removed, power is instead distributed among the people.
Decentralization is an important goal in a lot of places. For one, it allows for more democratic decision-making. When power is centralized, a small group of people have control over everyone else. This can lead to corruption and abuse of power. With decentralization, everyone has a say in what happens, which can help prevent these abuses. Additionally, decentralization can make systems more efficient and resilient. It’s much easier to create redundant systems when you don’t have a single point of failure. Plus, if you lose some nodes along the way, there will still be enough nodes left to keep things running smoothly.
All this said, there are some downsides as well. Decentralized networks tend to be slower than centralized ones because they require consensus amongst all nodes before moving forward with new information.


Decentralization has a long and complicated history. The term itself has been used in a variety of contexts, from political to economic to technological. In its simplest form, decentralization is the transfer of power or authority from a central authority to smaller units. This can happen in a number of ways, including devolution (the transfer of power from a central government to regional or local governments), federalism (the sharing of power between a central government and regional or state governments), or privatization (the transfer of ownership or control of an enterprise from the public sector to the private sector). There are a number of reasons why decentralization may be desirable, including increasing efficiency, promoting competition, and empowering individuals and communities. For example, when power is distributed among various levels of government instead of being concentrated at the national level, decision-making becomes more responsive to diverse local needs. Similarly, when decisions are made closer to where they will be implemented, they can have greater impact on people’s lives. For example, by having municipal water systems supply water directly instead of relying on a centralized system run by corporations with little accountability for their decisions about what chemicals to use in treatment plants and what levels to set for contaminants in drinking water

The Mission

Decentralization is a hot topic these days. But what exactly is decentralization? And why should we care? In this blog post, I’ll attempt to answer those questions. First of all, let’s define decentralization. The Oxford dictionary defines it as the process or result of distributing or dispersing something over an increasing number of locations. Put another way, when you have centralized something you are consolidating everything in one location while with decentralized systems you disperse things into many different places. For example, if there was a central power plant that served everyone on the grid that would be centralized. If everyone had their own solar panels and wind turbines at their homes then they would be decentralized.

Basics of the Blockchain’

A blockchain is a digital ledger that automatically updates with cryptocurrency transactions. Within each block are encoded a hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and other transaction data. Bitcoin nodes utilize the block chain to identify legitimate Bitcoin transactions and prevent an attempt to re-spend a coin that has already been spent. Nodes broadcast these lists of newly confirmed transactions on a best effort basis. The more nodes broadcasting, the faster and more reliable they become. The miners then group newly broadcasted transactions into a block which they then add to the blockchain by solving an increasingly difficult mathematical puzzle. As the miner’s computational power increases, so does their ability to solve these puzzles. Once solved, the miner is rewarded with bitcoin for their work in solving this puzzle and adding this block to the blockchain. They also receive fees paid by users sending bitcoin over the network – usually about 0.1% per transaction. As of November 2017, a single miner may earn anywhere from $5000-$20 000 USD per day depending on how powerful their hardware (usually ASIC) is and how much electricity costs in their area.

Challenges Ahead

Decentralization is the process by which power or authority is distributed away from a central location. It’s a hot topic in the world of politics, business, and technology, and there are a lot of different opinions on it. But what is decentralization, really? And why should we care about it? The biggest difference between centralized systems and decentralized systems is who has control over the data. In centralized systems, one entity controls all data access. If that entity changes its terms of service or goes out of business, everyone who relies on their services suffers. In decentralized systems, every participant has their own data that they control. That means if someone wants to get rid of your data, you can just delete it! On top of that, if any individual node fails (or leaves), then the whole system will continue working without interruptions. Decentralized systems give users more control and protection than ever before.

How to Get Involved

Decentralization is a hot topic in the tech world, with many projects looking to decentralize different aspects of the internet. But what exactly is decentralization? And why should we care about it? First, because it helps protect us from central points of failure or control. If one server goes down or gets taken over by bad actors, for example, you don’t lose all your data. Second, because it’s an evolution in how we think about data ownership and privacy.


Decentralization is the process by which power or control is distributed away from a central authority. It’s a hot topic in the political and tech worlds, and for good reason. Proponents of decentralization argue that it can lead to more democratic societies and help protect against the abuse of power. On the other hand, critics say that decentralization can lead to chaos and disorder. So, what’s the truth? And why should we care about decentralization anyway? There are several arguments both for and against decentralization. First, proponents argue that decentralizing power allows society to have more democratic processes because each person has equal power over decisions made in their communities.

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